I worked with a team to create this scene of a witch closet. I am responsible for the models of the cauldron, candle, and witch hat. I am also responsible for all lighting.
Witch Closet Full View, Maya, 2023
I worked with a team to create this scene of a witch closet. I am responsible for the models of the cauldron, candle, and witch hat. I am also responsible for all lighting.
Witch Closet Top View, Maya, 2023
This is the cauldron model I created for a group project. I am also responsible for all lighting.
Cauldron Close Up, Maya, 2023
This is the candle model I created for a group project. I am also responsible for all lighting.
Candle Close up, Maya, 2023
This is the witch hat model I created for a group project. I am also responsible for all lighting.
Witch Hat Close up, Maya, 2023
Anim212 Final, Maya, 2024.
This was a group project animation assignment. I am responsible for the animation of the first two scenes and the model of the rock.This was a turnaround of my final project for my Computer Graphics I course. Iron Turnaround, Maya, 2023This was the first assignment from my Animation II course. I did the animation and rigging. The robot model was provided by my professor. Character Throw, Maya, 2024This was a bouncing ball assignment from my Animation I course. Everything was created by me. Bouncing balls, Maya, 2024
Anim 155 Final Previsualization, Maya, 2024.
This was my final project for my previsualization class. This was a group project. I was responsible for the previs and sound design of SH160-SH220. This was the walk cycle assignment from my Animation II course. I did the animation and rigging. The robot model was provided by my professor. Character Walk, Maya, 2024This was another assignment for my Animation I course. Everything except for the rock and texture of the carpet was done by me. The great race, Maya, 2024. This was an assignment from my Animation I class. The goal was to create a looping animation. Everything was created and textured by me. Loop animation, Maya, 2024.
Anim 155 Previs Assignment 1, Maya, 2024.
For this assignment, I used a partner’s storyboard and created a 3D previsualization of it. This was the second assignment from my Animation II course. I did the animation and rigging. The robot model was provided by my professor. Character Jump, Maya, 2024This was an assignment to work with motion paths. Everything was done by me except for the texture of the grass. Out for a ride, Maya, 2024.